Targeted by DDoS attacks
Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are a common method used by hackers to try to take down a website. By inundating the site with traffic from multiple sources, the goal is to overwhelm the web server until it crashes or is forced to shut down. DDoS attacks can hit any organization large or small. But certain industries and types of businesses are more heavily targeted, according to a report from Imperva. Most DDoS attacks in 2019 were directed toward companies in the gaming and gambling sectors, the report found. how to mitigate ddos attack ? Released on Wednesday, Imperva's annual Global DDoS Threat Landscape Report looks at the greater scale, effective strategies, and higher frequency of DDoS attacks. In 2019, most of the DDoS attacks observed by Imperva were smaller than in the past. Around 25% lasted less than 10 minutes and 15% less than 30 minutes. Only around 5% lasted more than 24 hours. The small duration could be explained by the need to do as much dam...