Sample Declaration of Work

 A statement of work used to prove that a person is employed by the company.


Declaration is the act of affirming something solemnly, giving formality and legal value to what is narrated in the document.

In the case of a labor declaration, it is a writing used to state that a person is employed by a company or another natural person, usually also indicating the duration of this employment relationship.

Below is a sample statement of work.




We declare for the due purposes that you. (name), (nationality), (marital status), (profession), enrolled in the CPF under number (inform), RG number (inform) and bearer of CTPS nº (inform), is an employee (a) of this company since (the date on which the hiring took place) currently in the position of (position held at the time).

(locality), (day) of (month) of (year).


(name of the person in charge)

(position of the person in charge)

(name of the company)

CNPJ nº (inform)

Now that we’ve answered the question of what is SOW, it’s time to discuss the objective. The objective, or scope statement, clearly identifies the project’s objective and purpose. 


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